Mattel Has Launched The First Blind Barbie Doll

We live in a world where we try to accept everyone and include everyone in almost everything. This has worked its way over into the toy industry, and now Mattel is getting in on the action.

Mattel, who makes the all-popular Barbie doll has been keeping people included in the mix for a long time. There are Barbie dolls that represent almost every segment of society, and now there is a new Barbie doll for blind people.

The doll is there to represent the blind community and it is especially going to be beneficial for young girls who are visually impaired. The company wants to make more inclusive dolls that represent all areas of society.

The new doll has a red cane and wears sunglasses to protect her eyes. The gaze of her eyes is also modified, as it faces slightly up and out.

In order to make this doll, Mattel teamed up with the American Foundation for the Blind. They designed the clothing using tactile fabric and there is braille writing on the packaging.

According to the director of the Royal National Institute of Blind People, “Barbie is all about joy – about discovering and understanding the world through play – and it’s wonderful to think that children with a vision impairment can now play with a Barbie that looks like them.”

She added: “We’re so pleased with the details that have gone into designing this new Barbie, the tactile clothes as well as the cane and the sunglasses.”

The ambassador for the Barbie doll brand, Lucy Edwards, also said: “When I was growing up I would have only dreamed for this moment to come. To be accepted so much that the most popular doll in the world now has a visual impairment and looks like me. I still can’t believe I’m typing this but blind Barbie is here.”