Man Claims To Be King Charles III’s Secret Son And Shares Pictures To Prove It

We all have a claim to fame, but some may not have quite as much of a claim as Simon Dorante-Day. That man, who now goes by the name of Simon Charles Dorante-Day is claiming that he is the oldest son of the king and queen.

Simon is originally from the UK but these days, he resides in Queensland, Australia and works as an engineer. He was adopted in 1966 at the age of eight months, but he is saying that he is the biological child of Charles and Camilla. They were 17 and 18 years old when he was born.

This isn’t the first time that he has made these allegations. He even claims that they changed his eye color to keep him from looking like the king.

Simon spoke to the news previously to say why he is so keen on having the DNA test. He said: “My grandmother, who had worked for the Queen, told me outright that I was Camilla and Charles’ son many times. We owe it to our children for them to have answers. We have some exciting new legal paths that we’re looking at to uncover the truth.

“At the end of the day, I’m just a man who’s looking for his biological parents – and every road takes me to Charles and Camilla.”

He shares pictures on a regular basis on Facebook in order to strengthen the claim. They are pictures of himself and his family along with pictures of the royals, so people can get a side-by-side look.

Simon said: “One good thing about them becoming King and Queen is that we get a lot more images to compare with, from many different angles. One good thing about them becoming King and Queen is that we get a lot more images to compare with, from many different angles”

He also shared a picture of his daughter spliced together with the granddaughter of King Charles, Princess Charlotte. He captioned it: “I know many of you often share comments on the likeness between Meriam and Charlotte. I received this image today from one of the fans in the page.”

He has many people who are standing in his corner but as of yet, there is no official word on the validity of his claim.

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