Make Even The Nastiest-Looking Bed Pillow Fresh Smelling And White Again

Pillows are something that we often take for granted but they are also part of our lives that spend more time with us than our best friends in some cases. We rely on them every night for a good night’s sleep along with our duvet, mattress, and pajamas.

The problem is, the pillow can take a beating after a while and you may notice that it is turning yellow or getting stained in other ways. This happens for a number of different reasons, but you are not without options when it comes to cleaning it.

One of the primary reasons why a pillow will turn yellow is because of sweat. We all sweat at night, and it can cause the pillow to get wet and perhaps even grow bacteria or mold. It’s not a very nice thing to consider, but it is reality.

We may also have a problem with drooling, and that can cause additional problems and stains on the pillow. In the end, we have a pillow that is not very pleasing to the eye and not something we would want to lay our heads on every night.

Some people will throw away their pillows as soon as they see a stain or any sign of discoloring. It really is a personal choice, but if you clean your pillows every six months, you will have them for years and they will smell and look fresh.

The duvet should also be cared for regularly, perhaps cleaning it once a year. It can go a long way in helping you to get that good night’s sleep you so desire.

Before you set about cleaning your pillows, check the label to make sure they are machine washable. If so, follow these directions:

Gather the following ingredients:

Baking soda
Regular laundry detergent
Lavender essential oil

Pour the detergent into the appropriate area and then put 1/2 cup of baking soda and some drops of lavender oil into the drum directly. Put two pillows in the washing machine at a time to keep the drum balanced and then run it through the wash.

Fluffing your pillow on a daily basis can also help to maintain the freshness. Take off the pillowcase every morning, open the windows, and put the pillow directly in the sunlight.

This does more than cleaning and freshening the pillows, it also keeps the room aired out and stops moisture and mold growth from being a problem.

You can also use a steam cleaner to freshen up the pillows if they are looking a little drab.

Taking care of your pillows will help them to last, fresh as new for a very long time.

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