There are certain careers that just tend to be for those who are younger. Many of those careers involve a lot of physical activity. For example, an individual may work construction his entire life but he is never going to have quite the same abilities that he did what he was a youngster. He may go through the same motion, but it isn’t always going to work quite as well. There are also many other careers in which we tend to lose something as we get older but as you are about to see, it isn’t always the case.
When we get older, one of the things that we may look forward to is retirement. Perhaps you have thought about retiring and enjoying your ‘golden years’ by traveling or perhaps just sitting around with your feet up enjoying life. That isn’t for everybody, however, and some people enjoy an active retirement. That is obviously the case for this older couple, who are not only active, they are still thrilling audiences, even though they are in their 80s. They are figure skaters, and they show that age is nothing more than a number in a most beautiful way.
Liudmila Belousova and Oleg Protopopov are the husband and wife team that you see in the video below. At the time of the video, they were 83 and 79 years old but that didn’t keep them from getting out on the ice. When they were younger, they were in the Olympics and even won medals but now that they are older, they are winning people’s hearts with their unique abilities.
Most people who were in their 80s would avoid going out on the ice because they were afraid of breaking a bone. You might be curious why this couple doesn’t worry about it, and it’s because their bones are likely very strong. Osteoporosis is a problem that may just be caused by a lack of exercise. It’s obvious that this couple has all of the exercise they need. Watch their performance in the following video: