Technology has made things challenging for many of us. When you think about all of the distractions that exist, sometimes in our own pocket, it can leave us struggling to take part in some of the simple things in life, such as reading.
For 12-year-old Matthew Flores, however, reading was a very important part of his life. Unfortunately, he didn’t have any books to read so he read junk mail when it was available.
Ron Lynch was the postal carrier assigned to the family’s route. When he would come to deliver mail, Matthew would ask him if there was more junk mail so that he had more to read.
After Lynch realized what was going on, he knew that he had to do more than simply deliver junk mail to the young boy. That is when he put a post on Facebook, encouraging people to send books to Matthew so he had something to read.
“This young man, he just wanted to read, you know, and that touched my heart. There’s a Mathew in every neighborhood, in every city, in every state, in every country in the world.”
Thanks to the efforts of Lynch, Matthew now has plenty of books to read in his life. People from around the world have sent him books, helping him to build up a collection of hundreds of books to read.
Not only is Matthew grateful for the books that he has available, he is also sending them to his cousins in Mexico.
This is more than a story about a young boy who loves reading, it’s an indication that our society has pulled away from that basic necessity of life. We would never want to overlook something as important as reading, just to make sure that we have technology in our lives.
In addition, we have the touching story of a young boy who loves reading. In fact, he loved it so much that he was willing to read junk mail if that was all there was available.
Finally, we see how the Internet and the world community in general pulled together to make sure that he had the books he wanted. They supported him in a great way, and it’s using technology in a way that benefits people.
You can see more of the story for yourself in the following video: