Kyle And Nicole Perform An Epic Wedding Dance

Although there are many events that we may look forward to in life, the wedding day is one that seems to be special beyond compare. It’s the day that we come together with our significant other and promise that we are going to be together until the end of time. Everything that goes into a wedding is planned in advance, even if it only involves a few friends and family members and a small ceremony. In some cases, however, the ceremony gets quite large and it may include hundreds of guests.

The planning process sometimes goes on for months and some people even plan for years for something particular that will take place when they finally get married. It’s a one-time deal, where you get to walk down the aisle and all of the attention is on you. Of course, you want everything to be perfect, from the flowers to the music and even the reception. Although there are many moving parts to a wedding that need to be considered, it is also important to consider one special thing. When you focus on a single item, it can really make the wedding seem special.

For Nicole and Kyle, that one special thing was a dance. They are the bride and groom and they wanted to have a special dance that they had been working on for a long time. It was the special something they wanted to add to their wedding but they didn’t want anyone to know about it in advance. Like many wedding dances today, it was something that deserved to be shared because it was so incredible.

When the surprise first started, they were dancing together but the bride’s father came up to interrupt them. When he was on the stage, he decided to show his son-in-law how to really dance. That was what made the surprise performance so enjoyable because the wedding guests had no idea what was about to take place. In the end, they gave them a well-deserved standing ovation. You can see more of the dance in the following video:

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