Kid Rock Stops Mid-Performance, Curses At The Crowd, And Storms Off Stage

When we perform in front of an audience, we expect that they are going to respond in an appropriate manner. The fact that they don’t do so usually means that our performance wasn’t up to par.

I guess Kid Rock didn’t get the memo, because he was upset over what he perceived as being a poor audience response to his performance. It upset him to the point where he stormed off the stage in the middle of the performance and had a bit of a hissy fit.

It happened when he appeared at JBJ’s Nashville on Saturday, February 8. Nobody knew that he was coming, and he was just there to celebrate the keyboardist for Bon Jovi, David Bryan. After the crowd wasn’t clapping as much as he thought they should, he blew his cool, lashed out, and called it quits.

Fortunately, some people were taking videos when the singer took the stage. He joined the keyboardist for Bon Jovi to celebrate his 63rd birthday and they were performing Proud Mary, a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Two minutes into the set, Kid Rock signaled for the band to stop playing. He then began mocking the audience and telling them that they should be clapping along, even showing them how to do so before he started insulting them.

The singer said: “F–k them. F–k them. Hey, hey, stop. If you ain’t gonna clap, we ain’t gonna sing. That’s how it’s gonna go.”

The audience did start clapping but the singer stopped everything again about a minute later and then started cursing at one of the patrons. He then yelled: “You know what, f–k y’all. You ain’t gonna clap, I’m gone.”

Bryan seemed a bit confused about the outburst, and turned to talk to another musician while Rock went off the stage in a rage. They then went on to have a decent evening, and Kid Rock has declined to comment on the subject.

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