Husband Wants To Separate But Demands His Wife Moves With Him So She Reveals His Secret

Family problems can present us with some of the biggest difficulties we face in life. Some of those problems may be impossible to overcome and they just require a direct response.

One woman experienced this one her husband seemed to go off the deep end. He was frustrated with his job and suggested that the two of them separate, but he also wanted her to move across the country with him.

This prompted her to do something extreme, and now she is wondering if she did the right thing. Read her story below and you be the judge.

My husband of 13 years told me he has been frustrated with his job and is applying to a job across the country. Out if nowhere, he suggested a separation and went on a tirade with how terrible I am. We’ve had our ups and downs, but this was extreme and unfounded.

In the weeks following, I have found out he has been communicating incessantly with an old friend (F and recently divorced) who is helping him get the job (500+ texts per day, 24k in a month) and that he expects to/got the job and we are all moving (our 2 elementary-aged kids, his mom, and myself). I’ve moved for his grad school as well as the great job he already has, but moving away from the kids’ school and friends as well as my work and friends is unconsciable. We have no family or friends there (other than his 1 person) and I have almost no work prospects.

He went out there recently for 4 days (for a 1 day interview) and I had found evidence that he was planning on physical interaction. He was off-grid for most of the time and freaked out when I confronted him when he returned – said he’s been unhappy for 15 years. AITAH for filing for divorce and pursuing physical custody of the kids to remain in-state? He is insistent that the kids need their dad since his own was out of the picture for awhile and that I need to be there for the sake of the kids.

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