How Did This License Plate Get Past The Censors?

Most of us don’t give license plates much thought unless we see something that is clever. There are times when people may even put a lot of thought into them, but it doesn’t mean much to anybody other than them and perhaps their family.

On occasion, however, we hear about a license plate that really goes the extra mile. That was what happened recently when somebody posted a license plate on social media and it has become a viral sensation.

There was a license plate on the back of a car that may have looked uninteresting at first but as you look closer, you see that there was something suspicious behind it.

It was shared on Facebook and it wasn’t long before people had figured out what the combination of letters and numbers meant. That combination was: 370HSSV.

It may not look like much at first but when you flip it upside down, that’s when you see that it was actually something that shouldn’t have been allowed. Many people were happy that he was able to get away with it and many others were amused.

This personalized license plate is not going to last very long. There have been others that were taken down after they were reported and received a letter stating that it had to be returned.

I don’t know if this person was able to keep the license plate very long or not, but it’s interesting that they got away with it long enough to get it on the car.