Homeless Woman Gifted An ‘Ugly’ Trailer But Look At It Now

We all need a helping hand from time to time. Perhaps we may find ourselves in a situation where we are without, but kind people may be able to get us back on our feet again.

One of the things that many people do these days is to limit their possessions. They live a simple lifestyle and sometimes, they may go to the point where they completely move off of the grid.

Mama V, The Urban Escapee is somebody who understands this lifestyle all too well. She made a conscious decision to abandon her old way of life and to live in an old mini-school bus.

Just because she lives out of the way does not mean that she is completely without ambition. Those ambitions will help her to see the best in life. For example, she wanted to construct a sustainable cottage for herself in the woods.

Mama V also had others to care about, as she had quite a few cats and two dogs. It wasn’t long before she was outgrowing her little minibus and wanted to expand her home. The problem was, she had very few options.

That is when some generous neighbors decided to give her an old camper. It had been abandoned in his yard for years, but they knew it could be fixed up.

When Mama V received the trailer, she was very excited. she sold her bus and before long, she was turning the trailer into exactly what she wanted.

Two of her friends, Jayme and Kevin were there to assist. He connected the trailer to his vehicle so they could take care of everything.

After the trailer was put in the position, they bought the supplies that were necessary to stock it up fully. Cleaning was well underway and eventually, it was looking great.

The trailer may be cozy but it is exactly what she needs. It has a pullout couch, twin beds, a full kitchen, a bathroom with a bathtub and shower, and

plenty of storage.

You never know when something is going to come your way that will change your life. Undoubtedly, this changed hers.

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