Homeless Man Walks Into Burger King With 50 Cents And Asks What He Can Buy

There are many people who live in our community that struggle to get by from one day to the next. Some of them may be able to do it successfully but others find themselves in very difficult situations. I’m sure that we have all seen those individuals who are homeless, living on the streets and doing their best to get by. For those individuals who are living on the streets, even something small can be helpful, so it wasn’t unusual for the homeless man in this story to walk into a local Burger King.

When the homeless man came into Burger King, he met a young man named Matthew who was in the middle of his shift. The man came in and had a handful of coins, and he was shuffling through them, perhaps thinking about what he could get to eat. Quite honestly, he didn’t even have enough to buy a hamburger or anything on the menu, but Matthew didn’t want to turn him away. He told his mother, Michelle, what happened after work and she went online to talk about what her son did. She called it a “proud mom moment”.

Michelle said that Matthew was working in the evening when the homeless man came in with $0.50. He asked Matthew if there was anything on the menu he could purchase and Matthew knew that there wasn’t. He still took his order, and used his own debit card to pay for the meal. He handed him the receipt and told him to relax while they got his order together.

Matthew didn’t realize that somebody was watching as he did this kind deed to the homeless individual. She wrote a letter to Burger King to let them know what the young man did and rewarded him with a large tip. His mother is very proud of what he did that day, and I’m sure that we would agree that not every teenager would do it. Since being posted online, the story has been viewed over 160,000 times. We can see why it is going viral.

All good deeds should go rewarded. This is a positive story that needs to be shared."Proud mom moment! Matthew worked…

Posted by New Bedford Guide on Saturday, July 6, 2019

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