Elon Musk’s Daughter Lashes Out At Billionaire Father Saying He Paid For Her Gender At Birth

Elon musk has been in the news frequently in recent years. Everything from his company to his family life seems to be under fire.

One thing in Elon Musk’s life that has been a matter of contention for him is his transgender daughter. He has never hidden the fact that he is not on the best terms with his daughter, Vivian Wilson and she isn’t afraid to take a shot at him as well.

It seems as if Wilson is now taking another dig at her father, saying that he paid for IVF treatment to guarantee that she was born as a male child. She wrote this on Threads over the weekend, saying:

“My assigned sex at birth was a commodity that was bought and paid for. So when I was feminine as a child and then turned out to be transgender, I was going against the product that was sold.

“That expectation of masculinity that I had to rebel against all my life was a monetary transaction. A monetary transaction. A MONETARY TRANSACTION.”

Musk is no stranger to having children, as he has at least 13 and the first five were all born via IVF. They were assigned as a male when they were born, but nobodyknews if he chose IVF so that he could guarantee their birth sex.

They aren’t sure how Vivian came up with the idea that she was conceived via IVF to guarantee she would be a man, but many of her followers are supporting her, nonetheless.

There has been a lot of back and forth between Elon Musk and his daughter, including statements going back and forth that are unfriendly, to say the least. It will be interesting to see where this one goes from here.

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