Ellen DeGeneres Says She Is Quitting And You Won’t See Her Again

People tend to look at celebrities in different ways. At times, they may remember the good things they have done and at other times, they focus on something bad.

When many people look at 66-year-old Ellen DeGeneres, they might remember her career as a TV host or maybe, they might think about her stand-up comedy. Others, however, focus on the final reports about her talk show.

When Ellen started her talk show in 2003, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, it was a combination of everything she had to offer. She would bring on celebrity guests and combine comedy, music, and human interest stories to make it a very enjoyable show.

It was a very popular talk show that spent 19 seasons at or near the top. Millions of fans would join in for each episode and it only seemed to get better.

One thing that Ellen was known for is telling other people to ‘be kind to one another’. It was something she would say in every show, but some said she wasn’t living up to it.

In 2020, during the height of the pandemic, former employees started to circulate rumors about how unkind it was on her show. Even some celebrities joined in about the conditions and the rumors did not go well for her.

When two exposes on BuzzFeed exposed allegations of discrimination, sexual misconduct, and a toxic work culture, things really changed. DeGeneres was not directly accused of those issues, but they did say the show was not living up to the kindness culture they seemed to focus on.

Soon, three senior producers were fired and DeGeneres came forward to apologize to viewers. She said: “I learned that things happened here that should never have happened.

“I know that I’m in a position of privilege and power, and I realize that with that comes responsibility, and I take responsibility for what happens at my show.”

Later, Ellen would speak about the issues, saying that the press seemed misogynistic and orchestrated about the problem. She went on to say: “All I’ve ever heard from every guest that comes on the show is what a happy atmosphere this is and what a happy place this is.”

Ellen officially ended the talk show in 2022.

For a few years she stayed away from the spotlight but then came back to stand-up comedy with her Netflix comedy special: Ellen’s Last Stand… Up Tour.

She said: “Honestly, I’m making jokes about what happened to me but it was devastating, really.

“I just hated the way the show ended. I love that show so much and I just hated that the last time people would see me is that way.”

As far as her future is concerned, she doesn’t leave it up in the air. She said: “Um, no. This is the last time you’re going to see me.

“After my Netflix special, I’m done.”

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