Drum Line Plays A Great Beat Without Using Drums In This High School Talent Show

Those who are talented with their musical skills can really amaze us with what they are able to do. It doesn’t matter if they are singing, dancing or doing anything else musically, it just seems as if they have abilities that far surpass any of us who can also do those things but on a much lower level. Sometimes, it is not just an individual who displays these talents but it’s a group of people who can show the talent to others. That is the case with drum lines, and what they do is very interesting to watch.

I’m sure that all of us have seen drum lines before. Perhaps it is only from the movies that we have seen them or on online videos but when you see them in person, the percussion takes on an entire different fish meaning. You can watch them playing in front of you and feel the music as they are playing it but it just seems so effortless, is difficult to imagine how hard they are working. There are also drum line competitions in which there are more than one group that get together and perform for a crowd. When they are competing, they take things to the next level.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about drums? You might consider them to be nothing more than a loud instrument but when you really stop to think about it, they keep the pace for the band where they are playing. Even if it is only drums in the musical group, they still have a lot to offer. That is sure to be how you feel when you watch the members of the Keller High School Band Group performing. They have their sticks in their hands but what they are playing is not actually a drum.

One thing that is interesting about percussion groups is the fact that they don’t always need drums to play. With a set of drumsticks, they can do wonderful things if they just have something to use as a surface. That is what this musical group was able to display and when you see them playing, you will realize that you are watching excellent musicians at work.

Watch the video for yourself below: