Doctor Takes One Look At The Newborn’s Umbilical Cord And Rushes To Snap A Photo

There are going to be many occasions that we will remember in life but some of those moments are going to be much bigger than others. Perhaps one time that we will remember more than any other is the time we are pregnant. Our world changes from the moment that we learn the news and we have months to prepare for the new arrival. It is an exciting time but there are also some concerns that go along with it. After all, we want to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

As we wait for the day that we can hold our baby in our arms, they are busy growing inside of us. Any issues that happen along the way must be cared for as soon as possible to keep problems to a minimum. One way that we check on things is with an ultrasound. Although they will show us some of what is happening, it isn’t going to give us a clear view of the inside of the womb. At times, the doctor might see something that causes concern and at other times, they might give an all-clear signal.

In any case, there are many things that can happen during pregnancy to cause issues. The development of the child is an amazing thing but genetic problems, disease, and other issues can cause the progress to be difficult. It might even be something as simple as a knot that causes problems.

The baby is attached to the mother inside of the uterus by the umbilical cord. All of the nutrients that the baby needs is provided in that way and it even allows them to dispose of waste. When the child moves in the umbilical cord it could cause it to wrap around the baby or result in other issues. There are also times when a knot will form.

All it takes is a Google search to hear more horror stories than we care to read. The good news is that the issue isn’t always something that causes lasting harm. That is seen when someone shared pictures from the child being born in 2015.

The father was excited to see the new baby breathing and healthy.

The doctor noticed something quite different when he looked at the child. The umbilical cord had tied itself into a knot. Everyone was worried at first but then they realized everything was fine.

“Hurry up dad, take a picture your baby is a miracle,” the doctor said to the dad.

Taking a look at these pictures shows you just how fortunate the parents were to have a healthy baby to take home.

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