There may be some issues in the bathroom and, despite our attempts to keep things as clean as possible, they can lurk in the background. This may include a particular type of ‘pink slime’ that can work its way into the mix.
Some people who see the pink coloring that typically shows up around the shower drain or the drain in the sink think that they can just ignore it. This is one of those cases, however, where ignorance is not bliss, and ignoring it could only cause bigger problems.
On TikTok, a doctor has posted a video that warns about the ‘pink slime’ and why you should pay close attention to it. In fact, it is not just a problem, it is a symptom that could warn of serious issues.
Dr Karan Raj hosted the TikTok video on their channel to warn about ‘pink slime’ and the dangers associated with it. Another user had said they ended up in the hospital because they did not ‘clean the pink mould out of the uni accom showers’.
Dr Karan responded: “If you’ve seen this pink slime lurking in your bathroom it’s not mould – it’s bacteria.”
Mold is a big problem but the pink slime that you see around your drains and in other areas of the bathroom is a type of bacteria called ‘serratia marcescens’.
In fact, Dr. Karan warned that the bacteria can ‘vomit hot pink all over your bathroom’.
He said: “This bacteria loves damp, moist places, and enjoys munching on fatty deposits like those found in soaps and shampoos hence why it likes to hang out in your bathoom.”
He went on to say that the average person is not going to have any serious problems if they come in contact with it. He considers it to be ‘pretty harmless’ for most people.
He then adds: “But you still want to avoid getting it in your eyes or open wounds.”
One of the issues with this slime is spelled out by the Infectious Disease Advisor. If you are immune compromised or are in a hospital and critically ill, it is an issue because it is ‘often resistant to multiple antibiotics, which can make it difficult to treat’.
Dr Karan talks about the possibility of ‘gut, urine or chest infections’ if you have a problem with your immune system.
He goes on to say: “If your home has enough damp for pink slime to consistently develop, you could actually be growing other things as well, like actual household mould which could be causing respiratory issues or allergies.”
@dr.karanr Pink slime club @Anna
This probably leaves you wondering what you can do about it if you do have it in your bathroom. The doctor advises: “The first rule of Pink Slime Club is to keep the bacteria from forming in the first place.
“By curbing its growth, you’ll be preventing other dangerous moulds from forming as well.”
Having a well-ventilated bathroom and using an exhaust fan or opening a window when it is too steamy is important. You should also clean the bathroom regularly.