Dick Van Dyke Hits The Streets Of Malibu To Celebrate His 94th Birthday

If you think back to your childhood, can you remember some of the people who had the biggest influence on your life? It is always going to be different from one person to another but more than likely, some of the people who they saw on TV or in the movies are going to have that influence on them. Those individuals could include people such as Robin Williams, Elvis or Tom Hanks but for many people, Dick van Dyke is going to make the list.

Dick van Dyke had a show on television with Mary Tyler Moore and he was also one of the stars in the movie, Mary Poppins. He was a singer, dancer, actor and could really make a movie enjoyable. Perhaps that is why so many people remember him from what he did all those years ago. Dick van Dyke is also known for his age, because he seems to be doing well at 94 years old. He was seen out in Malibu with a smoothie on his 94th birthday. According to the daily mail, “At his age you would assume he would have an assistant or helper running around but no, he looks determined to do it all, and with a smile on his face.”

Other people in Malibu had the following to say: “After he was done grocery shopping at Ralph’s, he paid a visit to the Vitamin Barn in Malibu and came out with some type of green juice, probably packed full of healthy fruits and veggies. He was sort of singing to himself as he walked out, it was cute.”

Dick van Dyke turned 94 years old

The Vitamin Barn is the place where many celebrities get a daily smoothie It seems as if Dick van Dyke also enjoys getting a smoothie as well.

Did you realize that Dick van Dyke is still driving at 94 years of age? He drives an infinity sedan, much different than the jaguar that caught on fire with him in it in 2012.

Dick van Dyke is a shining example that shows us the truth behind the old saying, age is nothing but a number. He even got married to a younger woman in 2012, Arlene Silver. According to Parade magazine, he said: “one of the smartest movies I’ve ever made. She’s very mature for her age, and I’m very immature for my age, so it’s about right!”

Margie Willett was his wife who died in 1984. Dick van Dyke was seen at the opening of Feinstein’s At Vitello’s Supper Club in Los Angeles in June walking with a cane. He no longer had the cane in Malibu.

“I’m sure his years of dancing has helped him stay strong and fit,” an observer tells Daily Mail. “He’s obviously making sure he’s eating the right things. But most importantly, he looks happy, that may be key to his long life.”

We wish you many more birthdays!

Source: Do You Remember

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