Choose The Highest Quality Eggs Every Time With These Simple Tips

Most of us eat eggs every day. We make them on their own or we may have them included in some other type of food but they usually end up on the plate.

Since cooking with eggs is such a common thing to do, it’s important to make sure that you are selecting eggs that come from healthy chickens. There are a few ways for you to make sure of this important fact.

One way to do so is to check the color of the yoke. The yellowing yoke is usually thought of as being healthy, and that is true, but there can be variations according to the diet of the chicken.

For example, if you purchase an egg that is bought from the store, it is likely to have a yellow yoke. This is desirable and you may even consider it to be healthy.

On the other hand, a free-range egg is likely to have a more bright orange yoke. This means that they were given a better quality diet and led a healthier life.

Just remember, oranges better.

Then again, if you have a yoke that is darker, it might mean that the chicken is lacking in nutrients. That doesn’t mean that they are not safe to consume in most cases, but having an egg with a bright yoke means you are walking a healthier path.

Unfortunately, you can’t always tell the difference until you crack the egg but the next time you crack one, you’ll know a little better what you are looking at.

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