Channing Tatum Delivers Food To A North Carolina Food Bank And Stays To Unload It

We have certainly heard a lot about the difficulties people are facing with the recent hurricanes. Many people have stepped forward in order to assist, and this includes some high-profile celebrities.

One celebrity who recently jumped in and rolled up his shirt sleeve to assist those in need is Channing Tatum. He is well known for the parts that he has played in shows, such as Wolverine, 21 Jump Street, 22 Jump Street, and Deadpool.

He also wrote a children’s book and may eventually take that book into a feature film. He is engaged to be married and he certainly lives a busy life, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have time to help.

Recently, he went to a North Carolina food bank to surprise volunteers. When he rolled up in a truck with plenty of food and supplies, the MANNA Food Bank in Asheville must’ve been thrilled. When he stayed to help unload the supplies, it really must’ve meant something.

Asheville is an area in North Carolina that took a lot of damage when Hurricane Helene came through. It stalled over that mountainous region, dropping record amounts of rain before moving on. This resulted in landslides, and flooding, and many people have been hurt as a result of it.

Many celebrities are in the news for reasons that are not very favorable. These types of events really help to show what somebody is made of, and Channing Tatum certainly has made his name known.

There have also been other celebrities that have helped with the relief efforts, including Taylor Swift, who donated $5 million to Feeding America. Aside from celebrities, many other people have done their part to assist those in need.

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