As a parent, we recognize that there are going to be both good days and bad days when we are raising our children. It is something we come to expect and unless you enter into parenthood with your eyes closed, it is something that you anticipate from the moment that you consider having children in the first place. It is the parent’s responsibility to teach their children and by the time they go to school and have other teachers in their lives, they should understand the basics of how to act according to their age.
There are many good times that we may experience when we have children but there are also some frustrations that we may have as well. This includes any notes that may come home from school. Even if the note has something positive in it, it is likely going to be a matter of stress until we are able to open it and see what it says. Perhaps that is how some New Jersey parents felt when they received a letter from the school bus driver. She sent a note home because she wanted them to know how their children were behaving.
Cindy Clausen has been driving buses for over two decades for the Princeton school district. It’s difficult to count the number of children that she has had on her bus over the years. As a result, you would think that she would turn a blind eye or perhaps become somewhat calloused to the behavior of the children but these two students caught her attention.
They were siblings, Annaliese and Jorge and they got her attention because they were doing something kind. She couldn’t help but notice the way that they treated Jackson, a little boy who had a struggle with walking because of a medical condition. The note was addressed to the parents, with the message that said:
“I am compelled to write to tell you how beautiful your children are, inside and out! This can only come from the home, your patience and guidance, the examples that you set and teach.”
“I have a child on my bus named Jaxson. Both of your children have shown him much compassion and support. Every day your children ask if they can sit with Jaxson.”
“Some days Jaxson is a little sad getting on the bus but as soon as he sees Annaliese and Jorge he smiles. Jaxson has difficulties walking and it takes a bit for him to get to his seat.”
“Today Annaliese looked out from around her seat and said, ‘come on Jaxson, you can do it’ and when we arrived at school Jorge took it upon himself to carry out his backpack!”
“I know you know how wonderful your children are, but I wanted you to know that it shows! Cindy Clausen Bus #50”
There is hope for America. #LoveWhatMattersA Love What Matters Original StorySubmitted by Cindy Clausen
Posted by Love What Matters on Sunday, November 13, 2016
These are the types of things that make being a parent worth every moment.