Most people today tend to spend the majority of their time stuck inside. It may be that they are at a desk at work or perhaps when they are relaxing at home, they do so on the sofa in front of the TV. It seems as if getting outside and enjoying all that nature has to offer is a past time that is quickly disappearing. It’s a shame, because nature has so much to offer if we just take the time to enjoy it. In fact, the more we can get around nature and enjoy it, the more we appreciate what we have at our disposal.
At times, we may appreciate seeing things that are totally expected. Perhaps we go out to look for something specific, such as when we are birdwatching or if we want to look at some different types of trees. Doing so can certainly enhance our appreciation of the world around us but it is the unexpected things that often mean the most to us. Imagine being out for a walk in the woods and suddenly, some animals show up completely out of the blue. It’s amazing to stand and watch them and it isn’t something that we can predict or plan for.
Perhaps that is how these men felt in Dviete, Latvia when they saw something completely unexpected in the river. They were nearby the Daugava River and what they saw was a whirlpool out in the middle of the water. It was close enough to the bank that they could get some good video of it and if anything was unexpected, this was it.
It is not fully understood how this particular whirlpool got started but it is turning along, swallowing anything that comes close enough to it. In most cases, whirlpools begin if currents meet each other traveling in the opposite direction. It seems as if this may have got started at an inlet upstream, but now it looks like somebody is draining the river into a hole.
Watch the whirlpool for yourself in the following video: