An All-Female Crew Of Florida Firefighters Is Making History

There are many professions that keep track of their history and we may even have a certain level of pride when it comes to where our profession came from and where it is going. This is especially true if you work in a profession where you put your life on the line on a daily basis. Firefighters are included among that number, and when something special happens in a fire department, it is often celebrated by the firefighters and it may even make headlines in the local area. For this event that happened in a Florida fire department, the entire country is knowing about it.

In South Florida, the Palm Beach Gardens fire and rescue has been operating for 57 years. Admittedly, they may not get many fires in Florida but they are there to help out with medical issues as well as helping with automobile accidents. They play a very important role in history and typically, men make up the majority of the fire departments in South Florida and throughout the United States. Something interesting happened in Palm Beach Gardens, however, that is making the news. As of September, they made history when they ended up with the only female shift of firefighters.

The shift is made up of Rescue Lieutenant Krystyna Krakowski, Fire Medic Kelsey Krzywada, Fire Medic Julie Dudley, Lieutenant Monica Marzullo and Driver Engineer Sandi Ladewski. They were on duty on September’s 18th and station 65. The crew range in age from 29 years old up to 53 years old.

Interestingly, they didn’t make the shift all-female on purpose. People are able to bid for shifts in many fire departments and two of them were on overtime and others were just assisting that day. It happened organically, but it is amazing that it happened in the first place. The news was revealed by Firefighters to the Rescue, Inc. who said: ‘Sometimes things come together in odd ways… as a father of daughters, I find these incidents of coincidence interesting.’

Isn’t the news always interesting out of Florida?