84-Year-Old Jane Fonda Says She Is Preparing To Die

Jane Fonda has entertained us over the years in ways that many other actors have been unable to do. Not only has she been in some amazing movies, but she is also known for standing up for what she feels is right.

Now that Jane Fonda is in her 80s, she is facing the possibility that she will not be around forever. This can be difficult for many people, but she says that she is feeling strong about the situation and said she is ‘ready’ for that day.

When Jane Fonda was being interviewed by Entertainment Tonight, she really showed what she was made of. They talked about many different things, from her acting jobs to her activist activities, but one thing that she spoke about was her awareness that her time was drawing near.

It’s little wonder that she said so because she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This is a type of cancer that originates in the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system in the body.

On Instagram, she also shared an optimistic outlook for the future. This is also true of her fighting the cancer, saying that it does have an 80% survival rate. She admitted that she felt privileged to have access to the top medical professionals and health insurance.

Despite her health challenges, she decided to push forward and do what she could. This included going through six months of chemotherapy and Fonda says that she has been managing the treatments. Despite the adversity, she continues to hold strong and be a force for many.

Jane Fonda is the daughter of actor Henry Fonda, and the two of them have truly left a mark on cinema over the years. She has won seven Oscar nominations and her abilities on the silver screen are undeniable.

It’s difficult to consider the fact that she is thinking about her own mortality. It’s an eventuality that all of us must face, but we sometimes look to individuals like this to provide us with the strength that we need when we face those challenges as well.

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