82-Year-Old Grandmother Shows The World How To Do The Charleston

I think that we have probably been introduced to dancing in the past few years more than we ever thought possible. It has to do with the talent shows that we see on TV, not to mention all of the awesome videos that are posted on YouTube. Anybody who has a degree of talent and is able to dance is taking the opportunity to show the world the moves that they have. Dancing with the Stars has shown us many of the older styles of dance, sometimes mixed in with the more popular dances of recent years.

Some dances come and go very quickly but others stick around for the long term. There are also certain types of dances that seem to fall squarely in the middle. They still have a loyal following, although it does tend to get smaller and smaller as the years go by. The Charleston is one of those dances, and it may have been extremely popular many decades ago, but today, it is just something that we tend to see in older movies. That is where the 82-year-old woman in this video comes in.

The Charleston is not an easy dance to do, even if you are a young individual. The woman in this video, however, shows that she still has what it takes in order to perform those amazing moves. We are not told if she was a dancer in her younger years or not but I can tell you one thing, she is a dancer at 82 years old.

The Charleston was famous for the area where it came from, just off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina. The origins are thought to go back to central Africa but it originated in the United States from African-American communities. Women in the 20s were breaking free from social restraints, and many of them would dance the Charleston. It’s something you don’t see very often, but it’s nice to see it in the following video: