7-Year-Old Singer Sang The National Anthem At A Basketball Game And Our Minds Are Blown

There are individuals who wait their entire lives to demonstrate their talents to a large audience. One 7-year-old singer, Melia Emma had that opportunity at a basketball game in California.

When she stood up in front of the audience, nobody was expecting exactly what they were going to hear that day. Melia may be a small girl in size, but she has a voice that is larger-than-life.

It wasn’t just any song that she performed that day but it was the United States National Anthem. Many professional singers even tend to shy away from that song because it is not the easiest to sing.

It didn’t stop this little girl from belting it out with accuracy that would have made anyone smile. It’s incredible for somebody so young to perform this well, and millions of people have watched it on YouTube since it was uploaded.

When you see her singing for yourself, you will have a difficult time believing that such a little girl at a young age can sing so well. She has grown since then, however, and many of her songs continue to show us just how much talent she has and she has it naturally.

You can watch her performing the national anthem in this video:

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