3-Year-Old Boy Is Rescued By Police Dog After Getting Lost In Corn Maze

Now that the autumn of the year is upon us, people in many parts of the world will be enjoying their favorite fall festivals. Apple festivals are very popular, but one thing that seems to be on the list of many is going to a corn maze.

If you’ve never been to a corn maze before, it really is something to try. It’s like a giant puzzle and you get to wander through it, looking for your way to the other side.

Despite being fun, a corn maze is also confusing, especially for a little child. Since there are no walls other than the cornstalks to the side of the maze, it is easy for the children to get away and before you know it, they are gone.

That is what happened in Michigan when a little boy got separated from his family in a corn maze and nobody could find him. They decided to bring in a police rescue dog, and that dog did an amazing job.

The canine, who works with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department in Michigan, found the 3-year-old boy very quickly. After going missing in a corn maze with his family, they looked but it only took the dog three minutes to find the little boy who was more than a quarter of a mile away.

According to the handler, the dog was amazing. He said “That is the fastest he has ever gone.”

The family was able to provide a swimsuit that the boy had worn a few hours before he got lost. After the dog sniffed the swimsuit he was off and running.

The family decided to remain anonymous but they are thankful that the police dog was able to find their son so quickly.

According to the manager of the Orchard that runs the corn maze: “They were in the corn maze and she said she had looked away for a minute filming and when she turned back, he was gone that quick.”

She went on to say: “That dog was so happy when he came out. He knew he did what he was supposed to. He was happy as could be. And I did ask them how, when that dog went in there, knew not to attack because when I watch Cops on TV, those dogs attack all the time”

It seems as if the K-9 dog is trained to handle those situations appropriately. The handler said: “He is a bite dog.

“Is he going to bite every single time? Probably not. It’s a very rare occurrence that he needs to bite and he only knows that when I give him a command.”

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