These Women Who Stopped Dying Their Hair Will Convince You To Try It Too

If there is one thing that many women are concerned about, it’s the way that they appear to others. Some may be concerned about their personality and the way that they are perceived according to the way that they act. Other women may be concerned about the way that they look and first impressions certainly do make a difference. One of the first things that most people notice about you is your hair or, in some cases, your lack of hair. If it is well cared for, it may be blend in or it could be quite beautiful. If it is not done properly, however, it is going to stand out as a bad first impression.

The hair has often been a sign of wisdom and knowledge for the older generation. When a person had gray hair, they were given the respect that they deserved. Society still looks at gray hair in that way to a certain extent but many women will do everything they possibly can to fight the aging process. As soon as the silvery color begins to show, they will run for some hair dye and hide it as quickly as possible.

As is the case with anything as far as trends are concerned, they are going to continually change. When you think about how much time it takes you to have your hair done on a weekly basis, it’s almost enough to make you cry. That is why 26-year-old Martha Truslow Smith decided to do something about it. She started an Instagram account to support women who decided to let their roots shine through.

“The underlying reason I started Grombre was to start a different dialogue around gray hair on women and find the answer to some earnest questions of my own: “Is it true that my gray hair is ugly, makes me look old, and means I’m no longer good enough?,” Martha said. “I’m only in my twenties. If that is true, how will I feel and what will I believe about myself when I’m in my 40s, 50s, 60s?” I want to challenge the way we think about what we consider “beautiful,” and why, and propose that we have more important things to spend our precious time, energy and resources on if we find our hearts aren’t aligning with the things we find to be someone else’s biases.”

She has also received the assistance of celebrities, including Lady Gaga. She decided not to hide her roots but to promote them and celebrate them. She said: “The thing about silver hair dye is that it’s just that; it’s dye. I respectfully don’t understand the comparison between natural silver hair and dyed silver hair: between these two, one challenges the perspective of yourself, your priorities, and your insecurities, all while being a public statement of vulnerability that takes patience to endure, while the other is a chosen color that can change on any given day and may or may not reflect your natural self; the comparison takes two different categories and wraps it up in several neglected conversations. This isn’t said to knock anyone who is dying their hair- if you enjoy it, go for it! If you don’t, then the question I ask is: should you have to?”

The women who decided to embrace the gray and get rid of the dye look beautiful. The stories that they tell have also inspired many others to follow in their footsteps.




















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