Woman In Her 60s Looks Like She’s 40 After Stunning Makeover

World-famous makeup artist, Christopher Hopkins is known as “The Makeover Guy” because of the unbelievable transformations he creates for women over forty. And after watching this makeover video, you will hardly believe what you are seeing. Mary Johnson from Fargo, North Dakota, went to see the Makeover Guy at his ReVamp salon in Minneapolis, Minnesota. At first, she was a bit nervous but more than ready for a new look. Mary was amazed by some of Christopher’s previous transformations from watching videos of other women’s incredible makeovers and say to herself, why not? It’s been years since Mary has had a new look, and she decided it was time for a change.

But this time, Christopher had a big surprise up his sleeve for Mary. The video shows the stunning footage after Mary’s makeover. Before she was dressed in everyday, casual clothing with no makeup, her hair had a bit of gray with some white in front, and there was just a bit of curl in it. You can see every one of her pretty freckles on her face, which did age her a bit. Following the makeover, it looked like Christopher waved a magic wand and turned Mary into someone else. It was by far one of his most dramatic identity transformations, and she looks incredible!

There’s Something New About Mary

Mary is now a blond with highlights popping in the front to replace those white streaks, and the rest of her hair has a strawberry blonde shade.

She’s very pleasantly surprised by the results and feels incredible. When it comes to a makeover, it’s all about how the person feels inside that carries more weight than what they look like on the outside. It was when a stranger walked by and guessed her to be in her forties that this sixty-something year old really feel a glow inside. Her excited reaction to her new look is sure to make you want to smile.

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