Superstar Sings Together With Little Girl. Their Rendition Of ‘You Raise Me Up’ Will Give You Goosebumps

If you watched America’s Got Talent for any length of time, you realize that there are a lot of talented individuals who just don’t make the cut. They may perform in the live shows and they could even receive a lot of good marks from the judges but in the end, there can really be only one winner. Eventually, those who don’t win the show head off to do other things, and that is the case with Celine Tam. This singer, from Hong Kong, was kicked off of the show before she made it to the finals.

Helene Fisher must be somebody who loves underdogs. After Celine lost her chance on America’s got talent, she decided to have the little girl over for a duet. The song of choice was You Raise Me Up, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard it sung quite so beautifully. What you will notice, however, is that the little girl hasn’t lost anything since she was on AGT. She is still able to keep up with the best of them.

Helene is able to sing quite nicely, as any fan will tell you. When they face each other on the stage, it could have been an awkward situation. After all, Mel B decided he would remove Celine from the talent show because she sang a song that was too big for her. Now she was staring up at an adult who was larger-than-life.

The song got started with Helene singing the melody. It isn’t long before Celine starts looking at her as if she were looking at her idol. She loves what she is hearing, but she has something in store as well.

Celine doesn’t have to worry about how she sounds, her voice is absolutely beautiful. As soon as she starts singing, she took over the show and the crowd was thrilled with what they were hearing.

Some people would call Celine a loser after she got booted off of America’s got talent. It’s easy to see that she is not a loser at all, she is a fantastic singer.

We are thankful that these two were able to get together and perform something so special. Their rendition of the song is guaranteed to give anyone goosebumps.

Celine sings almost as if she is singing to her host. It’s something beautiful to see.

You can watch every heartfelt note in this video: