Story of Man Born Without Jaw or the Ability to Speak Inspires People Worldwide

From the time he was born in 1999, young Isaiah Acosta fought for his life.

He was born with a condition called situs inversus, meaning he was deprived of oxygen for 15 minutes at birth. Isaiah was also born without a jaw and is unable to speak.

Doctors told his mother that even if her son survived, he would not enjoy a good quality of life. However, 20 years later, this young man has proved them wrong, living a full and healthy life while pursuing his dreams.

Isaiah resides in Pheonix, Arizona, and is living proof that one should never give up on their dream.

He arrived in the world two months early, born without a jaw and not expected by doctors to survive.

He didn’t have a voice or a way he could eat, and he still breathed through a tube.

Nevertheless, Isaiah has found a way to survive and believes his life is worth living.

In a touching documentary about Isaiah’s life, his mom Tarah regards her son as a miracle. Early on, she understood that something was wrong with her child. After a long and heartbreaking consultation with her doctors, they told her that Isaiah’s chances for survival were not good.

However, his parents decided to take a chance. Tarah was informed that her son would never talk walk and would more or less be bed-bound.

The courageous child suffered from agnathia, which causes children to be born without a jaw. He has to breathe through a tracheal tube installed into his neck, and as a baby, he was born without access to oxygen for 15 minutes!

But while his mother panicked, she also felt she had a strong connection with Isaiah. After all, he was her son, not a condition.

Now, 23 years later, Isaiah has become living proof that anyone can achieve their dreams in life if they are willing to work and put their minds to the task, despite the odds working against them.

With his amazing personality and infectious smile, Isaiah lights up a room.

Isaiah dreams of becoming a famous rapper.

Not only is Isaiah heavily involved in serving his community, but he’s also living out his dream of being a part of the music industry, incredible for a man who can not speak!

Since he possesses neither a lower jaw nor upper airways, Isaiah has never known the taste of food, and he has to be fed via a feeding tube connected through his belly six times a day.

Sadly, Isaiah tends to get sick more than most people because of his condition. Since he can’t breathe using his mouth and nose, he cannot get the same filter air most people breathe.

So, dry winters in Arizona are very challenging for young man.

But, using some clever gestures and his phone, Isaiah can not only communicate, but he also writes songs and raps!

Tikey “Trap House” Patterson was the voice who performed Isaiah’s first rap song. Sadly, the rapper passed away in 2019 from pancreatic cancer.

Isaiah used his fellow rapper’s life as his inspiration to keep pushing forward. And last year, he graduated from high school, an achievement that surprised many people.

Sadly, Isaiah faces constant bullying by people who judge him solely on the way he looks.

In 2022, the young man shared the good news with his 150,000 Instagram followers, showing a photo of himself after surgery. He explained how doctors had operated on his nose.

It’s incredible how such a simple thing for most of us will make such a huge impact in his life.

To learn more about this incredible young man’s life, you can watch the video below.

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