Morgan Freeman Buys 124-Acre Ranch And Turns It Into A Bee Sanctuary

When most of us think about Morgan Freeman, we probably think of movies that he has played in. For example, Shawshank Redemption is perhaps one of the best-known movies that has ever been produced in Hollywood and he played a major role in it. It just seems as if any movie that he takes part in is going to be a hit, but it isn’t only his acting that causes him to stand apart.

Morgan Freeman is a wise individual and he also has a streak of kindness that is easy to see. He is 81 years old and he decided to add another feather to his cap, that of being a beekeeper. You heard it right, he has a ranch that is 124 acres and he decided to turn it into a bee sanctuary that is perfect for that purpose.

Morgan Freeman is more than an actor, he is a man that has the ability to steal our hearts. At 81 years old, he may be giving up on acting to a certain extent but that doesn’t mean he is giving up on his hobbies. Recently, he decided to become a beekeeper and we can’t say enough good about it. He talked about his beekeeping skills during an interview that you can see in this video:

Prior to appearing on the talk show, he had already started working with bees but he was somewhat inexperienced. He isn’t doing it because he loves money, he is doing it because he loves the planet and wants to see the bees survive.

Bees play an important role in the ecosystem and without them, the human race would have a difficult time surviving. He said: “There is a concerted effort for bringing bees back onto the planet…We do not realize that they are the foundation, I think, of the growth of the planet, the vegetation…”

The beehives that were transported to the ranch, which is located in Mississippi came from Arkansas. We can be sure that he is taking care of them in the best way possible.

Morgan Freeman is somebody who deserves our attention on so many different levels. It’s amazing that he continues to take care of the environment in this way. With all of us chipping in together, great things can happen.

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