When we are adults, we often tend to be set in our ways and we don’t typically move forward from the place that we are at that point. That isn’t the case, however, with little children. They are not just infants, they are actually little people and they are growing and developing from the time they are born. In fact, there are even indications that they learn and experience life, even from within the womb.
When a child is young, they are at a very critical time in their life. They are discovering the world that is bigger than life and everything they see, touch or hear is new to them. Even before they head off to kindergarten, they go through a spurt where they learn so much it is mind-boggling. Imagine having to master a complex language, the ability to walk and even to feed yourself, all by the time you are a few years old. That is what all children experience but for this little girl, she is ahead of the curve.
Most three-year-olds are still trying to master the ability to tie their shoes and button buttons. The little three-year-old girl in this video, however, is doing something so amazing that it goes viral.
Her name is Charlotte, and she takes piano lessons. She lives in Hong Kong and she is so sweet, sugar wouldn’t melt in her mouth. When she sits down behind the piano, however, she surprises everyone.
This little girl can do more than play chopsticks, she actually is quite good at playing the piano. Since the video was posted, it has received more than 5 million views.
Charlotte plays grade 5 piano and she is absolutely awesome when she is performing. The piece that she plays is rather difficult, even for an adult who has been taking lessons for quite some time. For Charlotte, it is just another song to play on the piano.
Charlotte may seem rather young to play the piano but the fact of the matter is, starting lessons when a child is young is recommended. Some children can even sit down at the piano and begin playing at the age of three without any lessons whatsoever.
Charlotte has been playing for a while now, even though she is only three years old. Watching her tiny fingers move across the keys is absolutely amazing. There is no doubt that she will be a master within a short amount of time.
You can watch Charlotte play the piano in this video and you can also watch her giggling. Both of them are great fun!: