Guy Transforms Retired Commercial Airplane Into An Incredible House For Himself

When many people think about their dream home, it’s usually something like a beautiful colonial house in the burbs with a well-manicured lawn and a perfect white picket fence, or maybe one overlooking the ocean on a cliff.

However, some folks prefer more, shall we say exotic shelters that are totally one-of-a-kind, creative, and beyond imagination. Recently, there has even been trends where some folks are living off-the-grid or moving into “tiny homes.”

But, but one man had other ideas.

Meet Bruce Cambell, age 66, who has spent the more significant portion of his life as an engineer before retiring a few years back. Like many who retire, Cambell has found himself with a lot of extra time on his hands. He wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do with himself once he retired, but after a few hours of contemplation, he came up with an idea.

Bruce was always obsessed with airplanes ever since he was a little kid. He also owned a plot of land that he’d bought many years prior, ow he just needed to find the cashflow he needed to buy a retired commercial plane that can’t fly anymore.

Thanks to great persistence, he achieved his goal and bought a Boeing 727 Jet Airplane for $100,000! Doesn’t that seem like a good deal?

However, buying the plane was the easy part. Now that Bruce was the proud owner of a broken down Boeing 727 that will never touch the sky again, he had to figure somehow out how to transfer the plane from where he bought it to his land which was thousands of miles away in the lush forests of Oregon.

Somehow Bruce managed to figure out how he could transport the plane. The only problem was that the plane’s transportation was going to end up being more expensive than the 727 itself! But, at this point, he was so focused on his goal of building his airplane dream home in the middle of the forest, that he was willing to make it happen no matter the cost. By the way, the transport costs wound up, costing him $120,000!

So now Burce found himself with an empty airplane in the middle of the woods, and he was already $220,000 deep into his once-in-a-lifetime project. He initially thought it could be done from start to finish within one year. However, it turns out that he completely underestimated the complexity of this project. It took him years of planning, and he wasn’t going to settle for less than perfect.

Check out the rest of Bruce’s story, including his finished airplane home in the video below. And be sure to share!