Babies are incredible little learning machines. When you think about it, most children will learn how to roll over, crawl, walk, talk, feed themselves, use the potty, and work a smartphone within the first two years of their life. While these things may not seem that complicated, they are really remarkable accomplishments. Just imagine learning a new language, how to sing, play guitar, and play chess in two years? While it’s doable, mastering any one of these things is much harder for adults than it is for young children. Their brains are simply more geared toward learning than adult brains.
Plus, they don’t have all the negative emotional and intellectual millstones around them that most adults have. They are free to be creative and curious about the world around them, that is until they are taught by the world not to be that way. If you look back at some of the great geniuses throughout history, many of them had child-like qualities such as being open-minded, curious, empathetic, and having a good sense of humor. Albert Einstein is perhaps the most famous example. In this 2011 video, we see just how quickly children pick up on our behaviors. The video shows two twin toddler brothers playing on the kitchen floor.

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In the background, we hear their dad sneeze. Almost immediately, one of the brothers begins to mimic their dad’s sneeze right down to the head movement. Then the other child joins in after seeing his brother do it.

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You can watch these two cute little guys in the video below.