Television commercials are usually forgettable and it’s rare that one actually goes viral. However, commercials do occasionally go viral and they have their little moment in the sun. However, even then, very few commercials live on to tell their story another day. For example, when was the last time you watched the most popular Super Bowl commercial from 2018? Yeah, I don’t remember which one it was either, although I’m sure it gave us all of the feels at the time. With that said, occasionally, a commercial becomes an instant classic that is watched over and over again for years to come.
Coca Cola has made some memorable commercials, as has Apple. Who can ever forget “This changes everything”? Nike is famous for its commercials, and this year, Etsy is getting all of us emotional, believe it or not, with their inclusive commercials that are incredibly heartwarming. A young woman with an uncommon name makes us all fall in love with her (and her gorgeous name!) and a same-sex couple meeting “the family” for the first time is incredibly heartwarming. However, one that’s going viral again is a Bouygues Christmas commercial from 2018. The commercial is set to a popular rock and roll song.
The music is “Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone, which was a top 10 Billboard chart in 1974. According to the artist who wrote the song, the song isn’t just about romance and a man singing to a woman. The message intended by the artists was one of the people from everywhere coming together and loving one another. In this commercial, you see a young father who is dancing for his little boy in front of the Christmas tree. It’s funny and totally a dad thing to do. The commercial shows the little boy growing older and being less amused by his dorky dad.

Then, at the end, it shows the young man as a father himself and a super special surprise underneath his own father’s Christmas tree. Watch this sweet advertisement below.