Ed Sheeran Drops In On Newlyweds At Their Wedding for Surprise Performance

One of the most touching moments of any wedding is the bride and groom’s first dance as a married couple. Very often, the couple (the bride) will pick out a song that holds special meaning for both of them. And sometimes, they may hire a DJ or even a live band to play their favorite song. The dance represents more than just two people holding each other close while pacing in circles to soft music; it also represents a couple’s journey through life together. This is why it’s so important that everything be just right for a couple’s first dance.

And over the years, we’ve seen some couples take things to the next level with incredibly choreographed routines that left their guests mesmerized. However, most folks prefer to keep things simple. For a groom named Matt and his lovely Bride Kya, they were trying to deal with the sudden tragic death of Kya’s mom, who we learn took her own life before their wedding. They explained their situation on the Kyle and Jackie O radio program, where the couple shared how they barely managed to scrape together enough money to get married. And that’s when the radio host revealed that they were going to throw the couple a $60,000 wedding with all expenses paid!

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For Mat and Kya, this was already a dream come true, and as the couple enjoyed their beautiful dream wedding, the radio show hosts had yet another surprise in store for them. As they were announcing the couple’s first dance, the radio host also told the couple that they hired a “wedding singer.” And when they called for the singer to come in, Matt and Kya were in shock as none other than Ed Sheeran walked in. Sheeran picked up his guitar and started playing his hit song “Thinking Outloud,” as Matt and Kya danced slowly, with tears streaming down their faces as the couple looked forward to their bright future together as husband and wife.

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You can watch this heartwarming surprise in the video below.