I want you to think back to the time when you were in grade school. It seems as if it was a very carefree time in life but there were some pressures that all of us had to face. We needed to make sure that we had everything in order so that we didn’t embarrass ourselves in front of our peers. In addition, there was a lot of learning that took place in grade school and some of it was learning that should’ve stuck with us for the rest of our lives. It’s not just learning our ABCs, there were some specific life skills involved as well.
How old were you when you learned how to tell time? More than likely, it was something that you could do by the time you entered grade school but even if you couldn’t, you learned how to do it very quickly from that point forward. Digital clocks have always made it easier for children to learn how to tell time and we still use those digital clocks when we get older. Telling time with an analog clock, however, is a skill that we need to master and most of us learned how to do it when we were very young.
The problem is, learning how to read an analog clock is not a skill that stuck with all of us for the rest of our lives. Sure, some of us are able to do it without a problem but a surprising number of individuals are not able to tell time if they don’t have the digital version of the clock in front of them. Just watch these youngsters trying to tell time by looking at an analog clock and you might just wonder if the world is really going to survive.
H/T: Mashable