Woman Gets Pulled Over And Arrested For Drink Driving Whilst Driving To Her Drink Driving Court Hearing

A woman in Ohio who enjoys partying maybe a little too much is paying for it big time. The state’s most irresponsible driver was headed to a court hearing for another DUI case when she was pulled over and arrested for another DUI.

Because who hasn’t gotten hammered before driving to DUI court in the morning? Right?

Courtney Green of Sandusky, Ohio scored a whopping .231 BAC after she was pulled over by the cops. For those wondering how high that score was, she was basically driving with the blood alcohol level of an Irish sailor on shore leave in New Orleans.

Of course, Green managed to keep her perfect record of failing every sobriety test she was ever given, which is roughly as surprising as a vegan losing a hotdog eating contest.

And by the way, police also discovered an open bottle of Budweiser in the car.

But wait, it gets worse. Green also had her 2-year-old child in the car with her!

Okay, now that takes this story from bad, but still kinda funny in a sad way to full-on what the (fill in the blank) is wrong with her!

Thankfully the incident has been reported to child services because when a mother operates a vehicle with her child in the backseat while she’s braindead drunk, these types of things tend to pique a bit of interest in those offices.

This must certainly end in some jail time, right? Maybe being forced to shower in a place where your neighbors may wish to introduce you to sharp objects at any time, will help her reflect on the pitfalls of drinking Budweiser at 9 o’clock in the morning.

And hopefully, this will serve as an example to anyone who likes to go out an drink, or as in this case enjoy a six-pack for breakfast. If you’re going to drink, call an Uber or Lyft instead of getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. The consequences can mean jail time and a colossal fine at best and somebodies death or injury at worse.

Please be sure to share this story with your family and friends as a cautionary tale. Thanks.


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