Two Old Men Stare At A Woman Running In Short-Shorts

I think all of us can appreciate the need to have a good laugh on occasion. When we laugh, we feel good and that is one reason why we often share the joke when we hear it.

A joke doesn’t have to be long in order to be funny. In fact, some of the funniest jokes that we hear are a little on the short side.

That includes this joke, which is sure to give you a good chuckle. It is also sure to be one that will make you the life of the party when you tell it later.

Two old men are sat on a bench at the park. A young, smoking hot girl runs past in a sports bra and a tiny pair of shorts.

One of the men smiles and this brings the girl over. “Why are you staring at me and grinning, you pervert?” she says.

The old man sweetly replies “My dear I’m not smiling at you, I’m smiling at the thought that no matter how bad the world gets, there will always be young, pretty girls in the summer to cheer up a lonely old man”

The girl replies “awwwww you sweet old man” leans in and gives him a kiss on the cheek and jogs on.The old man turns to his friend and says “3 to zip Mugley, your turn”.

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