Tom Cruise Scares The Living Daylights Out of James Corden When He Takes Him Skydiving for the First Time

I never understood why people regret not doing certain stupid life-threatening things, but not others. For example, some folks regret never bungee jumping or scaling a mountain, but hardly anyone never mentions any regrets about never being chased by a bear or running through a swarm of hornets. I mean, what makes those adrenaline-pumping activities any less worthy? One regret I’ve often heard people speak of is never skydiving. I’ll never understand why simulating one of the most terrifying dreams a person can often have is something that’s considered a form of entertainment for so many people. We’ve all had dreams of falling, how many time have you woken up and gone, “Wow!” and tried to go back to sleep to do it again?

Nevertheless, thousands of people actually pay for the privilege of experiencing this nightmare on the other side of their consciousness. And for folks like Hollywood legend Tom Cruise, jumping out of planes is just another day at the office. Not only does he jump out of planes in his Mission Impossible movies, but he also does all kinds of other insane stunts as well. Aside from Jackie Chan, I can’t think of too many actors who do their own stunts as much as Cruise. In this video, we see Cruise doing a few skydiving shots for Mission Impossible: Fallout, as he takes Late Late show host James Corden out to the set to show him why jumping out of a plane isn’t as easy as it looks.

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When the video begins, we see Corden and Cruise preparing to jump, with Corden stringing together a couple of expletives in anticipation of his big adventure. We then see a flashback to when Corden arrived on the set where he tells the audience that he’s “about to jump out of an airplane with Tom Cruise,” noting that he could not believe he was doing it. Wearing a giant grin, Tom tells James that they were diving from 15,000 feet in the air, explaining that they “want a good free fall, a little time to think about things in the air…play.” Meanwhile, James shares with the audience his absolute terror.

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Watch what happens when James Corden goes skydiving for the first time with Tom Cruise in the video below.

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