There is something that all parents have in common, and that’s the fact that they love their children. They want to take care of them, feed them and provide them with all that is necessary for a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. From the moment that a mother finds out they are pregnant, it is all about the youngster and they are embarking on a long-term project that lasts well until the child reaches adulthood. Some parents will even say that it lasts a lot longer!
When a child is very young, outsiders may think that they could do no harm. There is just something about the innocence of the two-year-old that makes us feel that way. Ask any parent, however, and they will tell you that there is a lot of pain associated with raising a two-year-old child. That pain is not only emotional, but it is also physical in many cases as well. That is why the comic from really has touched a chord with parents around the world. It not only shows that children are capable of hurting their parents, but it also gives some illustrative details and at the same time, provides something to laugh about.