The Most Ridiculous Game Show Answers Ever Given

When was the last time you had an opportunity to watch a game show? Many of us are so wrapped up with our electronic devices that we don’t look up very often to watch television, unless our favorite show is on or we have decided to binge on Netflix. As it turns out, watching a game show is a great way to pass a little bit of time and if you watch it frequently, you will find that it is a very addictive way to spend your time as well. This isn’t anything new, as people have been watching game shows for many decades and they still are very popular among those who are dedicated to them.

At times, we may see that a person comes on a game show and just seems to have everything together. They go from one show to another, perhaps amassing a considerable amount of money and maybe even becoming somewhat of a superstar from their game show existence. That being said, when answers are being given and the person giving the answer is under pressure, it also presents a unique opportunity for them to say something that is not exactly the smartest thing ever said. They may be quite intelligent, but there’s just something about the pressure of being in front of a nationwide audience that makes them break down and give a ridiculous response.

In the video below, you see that there are some amazing people out there and not all of them are going to give an answer that is intelligent. That being said, the fact that they did give an answer that was ridiculous made them special to us. After all, they make us laugh every time we hear it.

As you look down through the following video, you may recognize some of the newer game shows but some of the others are from many decades ago. It’s always fun to look back at these old answers and see how our parents (or grandparents) may have acted when they were younger. You may just never look at them the same way again.

Enjoy the game show answers in the following video:

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