The Most Inappropriate TV Game Show Answers Of All Time

When was the last time you had a good laugh? If you have to think about it for any length of time, it really has been too long. Some people realize the value of laughing and they do it so frequently, that they often get a reputation for it. I’m sure that we have somebody in our circle of friends or our family that is known for laughing very easily. They can laugh over even the smallest thing, but when something truly funny happens, you may have difficulty getting them back under control again. The thing about this type of laughter is the fact that it is contagious so when watching the following video, you may just want to watch it with that person in your life. It will be so much more enjoyable when you do so.

There are many different types of humor, including some that is considered ‘clean humor’ and others that may be bordering on inappropriate. Of course, we also realize that there is some humor that is strictly for adults only but that is not the type of funny that we are talking about in this article. As you look at the video below, you will see that it is not necessarily the best thing to watch with your children but it is perhaps considered to be PG-13, so you may want to restrict the age to a certain extent. These types of hilarious game show clips have been around for quite some time and these are from days that occurred decades ago. As you will see, however, they are still just as funny as they were when they first occurred.

As you watch the video below, you will see some people that are instantly recognizable. The thing is, they may have an easy to recognize face but it is often the much younger face then we are accustomed to seeing. For example, Betty White is in the video and she is perhaps one of the funniest parts of it, but she is a very young version of herself.

The video below is entitled stupid game show answers but it could just as easily have been entitled “the funniest game show answers of all time”. If you had to think earlier about how long it has been since you laughed, you won’t have to think very long after you watch this video.

Enjoy these old game show answers in the following clip:

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