The Funniest New Game Show Moments With Crazy Answers

As a culture, we have many things that set us apart from past generations of those who have come and gone hundreds or thousands of years ago. Many of the differences that we see in today’s generation have to do with electronics. It’s easy to see how much electronics have influenced our lives. Some people may say that they have influenced them to the negative, and that may be true when it comes to certain aspects of safety or perhaps the fact that we have lost the ability to communicate in many ways. Then again, technology has enhanced our lives as well.

One of the interesting things that has certainly been a part of our culture for decades is television. It has also changed over the years, and that can clearly be seen in the increase in technology as well as in the different way that we watch TV today, through streaming services. Through it all, however, there are certain staples that continue to be a popular aspect of our television culture. This includes game shows, which are more than just a way to spend an afternoon. Game shows introduce us to aspects of our personality that we don’t often see.

In the video that you see below, you get to watch game shows in a rather unique way. After all, when we see them on television, we might have to go for several minutes or perhaps even half an hour before we see something extremely interesting happen. There’s always a lot of action, regardless of whether it is tension or hilarity but when you get to see the ‘highlight reel’, it can really tickle your funny bone.

There is nothing quite like watching bloopers to get you laughing. As it turns out, game shows are full of bloopers, although we might not always call them as such. As you look down through the legitimate answers on game shows in the video below, you will have to say that normal people are some of the funniest people in the world.

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