Coach Shows Off His Moves After Team Finds Out He Is A Former MC Hammer Backup Dancer

All people have something in common, whether they realize it or not. From the time they are very young they are able to dance to the music. It tends to start when we first begin walking or sometimes, before we even take our first steps. Music is playing in the background and suddenly, we begin moving to it almost instinctively. Perhaps you have seen children do this for yourself and believe it or not, you also did it when you were a toddler as well. It’s one of life’s mysteries, but it is one that we all hold in common.

When we get older, some of us can dance good enough to entertain others but the majority of us will be forced to dance when nobody’s watching. For one assistant football coach for the San Jose state pardons in California, Alonzo ‘Zo’ Carter, the ability to dance is one that led to former fame and a current viral video. Over time he has trained many student athletes and most of them had no idea he had a previous job in the hip-hop industry. Every once in a while, however, his secret is revealed.

Zo may not have a recognizable face but he does have some recognizable moves. He auditioned for a dance video back in 1989 for MC Hammer, ‘Let’s Get It Started’.

They were good enough to be hired on the spot and even went on tour with MC Hammer. Zo thought he would be heading back to college to finish his degree and get back on the football team but MC Hammer was becoming more popular at the time. Ultimately, Zo decided to join him as a permanent backup dancer.

He toured with the wrapper over the next three years, dancing at the MTV video music awards, the Grammys and even on the Oprah Winfrey show. Zo was a natural dancer but he still loved football. He would eventually return to his high school in Oakland, California to coach track and football.

Zo is now one of the more respected and well-known college football coaches and he doesn’t typically talk about his days of dancing hip-hop. In 2017, he was at a training practice and a familiar song came over the PA system.

The head coach, Brent Brennan heard about his past and wanted him to do some dancing. “Next thing you know, it’s ‘U Can’t Touch This,’” Zo laughed. “I was like, ‘Aw, man. He put me on front street.’”

You can see Zo doing some of his iconic Hammer Dance moves that he helped to create many years ago. It seems as if he never lost his touch for dancing.

“We choreographed that routine over 25 years ago, and it’s still strong,” he said later, surprised by how natural the impromptu performance felt.

After the college posted the video online, it went viral.

Most of the young men knew him as a coach and they had no idea he had stood with Oprah Winfrey and hung out with Tupac. All of us have changes that take place in our lives but this is a good reminder never to forget where we came from.

You can see more of his dance in this video:

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Source: Inspire More

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