Looking back at some of the most successful classic TV shows, it’s easy to see how many, if not most, of them would be very different if they were put out in this day and age. In fact, there are probably quite a few that would have never even been allowed on TV. As a society, we’ve evolved in the way we look at certain subjects and behave toward each other. This transition is always hard for older folks who have been the way they are for so long; they often have trouble understanding the younger generation’s outrage over certain things.
For example, I have an uncle who called every woman he met, “honey.” Now, this is one of those gestures that are innocent most of the time, as even some women have a habit of addressing people this way. But, it can also be patronizing and demeaning. Nowadays, if a guy were to say to a woman, “Now, honey calm down.” The situation is unlikely to work out the same way it may have 30 or 40 years ago. And when it comes to behaviors that involve human contact, whoa boy! There are even places thinking about banning handshakes! And hugs? Seriously? Are you trying to go to prison? However, it interesting to look back at some simpler times when certain standards were a bit “looser” on TV than they are today. In this video, we see some pretty crazy moments from Family Feud would differently make the show’s lawyers sweat bullets if Steve Harvey tried to pull some of these stunts!

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It’s said that Richard Dawson kissed over 200 women during his time on Family Feud. He even kissed a contestant in 1981 who ended up becoming his second wife! In 1994, however, Dawson made an announcement that he was ending his kissing ways for the sake of his little girl. He told the crowd, “I met someone on the show about 13 years ago, and we’re married, and now we have a little daughter. Her name is Shannon Nicole… And I can’t kiss any of the ladies because I promised my daughter I would only kiss Mom.”

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You can watch some of the most hilarious and outrageous Family Feud moments in the video below.