Happy Baby Can’t Decide Whether To Laugh Or Not When Mommy Blows Her Nose

When it comes to babies, they all can have one thing in common; they are absolutely adorable. It really doesn’t matter what they look like, although some of us would say that a particular child is the ideal ‘Gerber baby’ but in reality, they are adorable because they are innocent and miniature versions of what we see when we look in the mirror. Of course, there are going to be times when our children are more adorable than others and if you’re a parent, you realize that there are also times when they may be a little less adorable as well.

There is no doubt that miniature versions of big people are cute. A good example of this is the mini-me character from Austin Powers. He may not be a baby but anytime he is on the screen, you can’t help but smile. It’s the fact that he is a little cute, in his own, weird way but it is also the fact that he is usually doing something that is funny. Babies tend to touch us in that way.

The little child in the video below is lighting up the Internet. It’s the fact that he has everything going for him, from the cute bald head to the little laugh that is totally contagious.

Emerson is only 5 1/2 months old but his laugh is on par with somebody who has lived a very long life. It is a laugh that people are absolutely falling in love with.

The day probably started off like any other. He is enjoying a little bit of time in his baby walker and playing with some of the many toys that he has available. When we see the smile on his face, it’s almost as if nothing could make it disappear. Then mom comes along.

At first, Emerson is smiling so big that it is almost as if the edges of his mouth will touch each of his ears. That is when his mother decides to blow her nose.

Suddenly, Emerson is in a situation where he needs to make a decision. Should he giggle because of the sounds that his mom made or should he be terrified? Obviously, he can’t make up his mind because he is alternating between the two. You can even see the change go back and forth quickly and every time I watch it, I can’t help but laugh out loud.

Watch Emerson, the cutest baby you will see all day in this video:

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