Jimmy Fallon Has The Most Unusual Interview With Nicole Kidman When They Realize That They Were Almost An Item

You never quite know what you are going to find out when you watch a talk show. That is especially true when it is a late-night talk show, and the guests are some of the top celebrities that are performing, regardless of whether it is singing, dancing or acting. Although there are a number of late-night talk shows to listen to and watch, perhaps the one that is the most popular is the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. He is just one of those people that is instantly likable and he seems to get along with all of his guests in a way that puts them at ease. That is the real key to being a good talk show host, because you can get more out of those people as you interview them.

Although Jimmy Fallon is certainly capable of sitting beside a celebrity and asking them questions, he often takes things in a much different direction. That includes the time when he had Nicole Kidman on the stage, and the two of them discovered something rather interesting as they were talking. As it turns out, this wasn’t the first time that they met and there was something rather interesting about that encounter. It seems as if Jimmy Fallon felt that he had an opportunity to date Nicole Kidman when they first met but she had a very different memory of the same situation.

At first, the two of them were just having a good time but eventually, it got out of hand. I think that he even embarrassed himself to a certain extent, and even though he tried to make fun of it by walking off the stage, I do believe that the embarrassment was real. He even ended up on the couch for just a moment, almost as if he was talking to her as a psychiatrist.

This is a story that has an appeal to most people who watch it. Although we may never have the opportunity to date Nicole Kidman, we probably have had those embarrassing situations in our past and we do look at those situations differently, depending upon who we are. Watch the interview for yourself below and you may just be hooked on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon from that point forward.

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