Jimmy Fallon Cracks Us All Up When He Sings The History Of Disney Songs With Kristen Bell

If there’s one thing I think all of us enjoy, it’s getting out for an evening to go to the movies. Of course, not all of us appreciate the crowd at the theater and today, we are social distancing so going to the theater is out of the question. Perhaps we may just decide that it is best to stay at home and watch Netflix but in any case, a movie is probably going to be part of the plan. The only thing that is left to decide is which movie we are going to watch. For many of us, it may be anything from action to adventure but we might just settle in and watch a great Disney movie.

There is a lot to enjoy about a Disney movie, including the music. Perhaps that is why Jimmy Fallon got together with his guest star, Kristin Bell and they did a mashup of the history of Disney movies. It’s absolutely incredible, because you get to hear some of your old favorites and perhaps some that you haven’t heard in quite some time in this matchup video. They move from one song to another, working their way through the history of Disney and making us look forward to the opportunity to see the next movie come out. I’ve seen some interesting things coming out of Jimmy Fallon before but I would have to say that this one takes the cake.

Kristin Bell is more than an actress, she actually is a singer and a director. She has starred in many different movies, including Frozen, which really defines Disney movies for many children. When she sings those songs, it’s almost as if she has been every Disney princess that has ever existed.

Jimmy Fallon also does an excellent job of singing and the two of them together put on a fantastic show. It is just one of those things that you have to see to believe and fortunately, you can see it for yourself in this video. It’s so entertaining you are going to want to watch it twice.

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