He Walked Out On Family 30 Years Ago, Now This Husband Returns Home to Come Clean About Double Life

A few decades ago, a man who every now calls “Pops” was among the most active heroin dealers in America. He was only 15 when he began dealing with the deadly drug.

El Diablo, the Criminal

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The notoriously mean and dangerous drug dealer earned the nickname “El Diablo.”

As one can imagine, he did pretty horrible things, such as robbing banks so he could feed his drug addiction and make drug deals.

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Throughout his illicit career, he’d made a lot of enemies and hurt many people.

Put the demon inside of him had an insatiable hunger he could never satisfy, which drove him to sink lower each day.

El Diablo, the Husband, and Father

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Somewhere in the middle of the immoral chaos that was his life, El Diablo fell in love, married, and adopted his wife’s two children.

Sadly becoming a family man did not change him as he continued using drugs and dealing in both America and Mexico. For many years, the man would lead a dark and twisted double life of crime and addiction while also trying to be a loving husband and father.

The Ultimatum

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However, his wife wasn’t fooled. One day, she finally had enough of his dangerous lifestyle. So, she gave him a choice — either her or the drugs.

Sadly, the man made the wrong choice and abandoned his wife of 12 years and their children.

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Over the next 30 years, he would fall into a downward spiral at the hands of heroin, alcohol, and morphine. Every night, he thought about his family and cried bitter tears. But, he reasoned that he did not want to expose them to his demons.

A Fallen Man Redeemed

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By 2009, El Diablo found God after watching a Christian program. Something inside of him clicked, and he finally realized that if he did not get the help, he would like to die, broken and alone.

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He then gathered his strength and walked into the Union Rescue Mission. Once there, he would work tirelessly to become sober and face the demons of his past.

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The Return to Heaven

After a year, Pops was healthier than he’d ever been and decided it was time to go on a journey to reunite with his wife and kids after 30 years.

Image Source: YouTube

Thankfully, this story has a pleased ending, and today, the man once known as “El Diablo,” now enjoys the life he’s always dreamed of as “Pops.”

Image Source: YouTube

Watch his heartwarming journey in the video below. We apologize for the inconvenience. The clip is age-restricted due to scenes depicting drug use, so you’ll have to view it on YouTube. The link is below.

Thanks for reading. Please be so kind as to pass this story along to your friends and family?


  1. “30 Years After Walking Out On Family, Husband Returns To Come Clean About His Double Life” Little Things.